Monday, December 4

Je ne sais pas.

Everything sounds better in French, people. :)

Things have been happening preventing me from concentrating on my knitting lately... I got into a "I need to finish things" state the other day and pulled out the "Mason Dixon" book and started warshrags. I completed one of the hexagonal warshrags, two 'ballband' warshrags, and went insane on most of a baby genius "towel" that was bi-colored. I'd go insane if I had finished the whole 60 repeats. So, it's a warshrag. Pictures forthcoming.

The Benny Jaywalkers are on hold until I get this out of my system. Tiny needles, tiny yarn isn't the way to FINISH FINISH FINISH!!!

I'm still a little hoarse and have the stupid cold I've had since Thursday, but it's not as bad as it was when I missed knit group on Saturday. I had enough energy on Friday to do a little carding; I finished the "cream-colored" shetland and moved on to one of the white fleeces on Saturday. With whatever energy I had, I carded in bursts; I think I have 6 batts of the 5% silk, 95% shetland (less than 1% sparkly bits) and 6 or 8 batts of the shetland-sparkly bits ready to spin. I couldn't get enough energy to actually spin any of these beauties, but I should be better by Thursday. 2 fleeces down, 6 to card.

Yesterday, we did all of our clothes laundry, found several pairs of socks for Ben, and I finally got my favorite blue half-zip fleece (over)shirt clean -- I spilled toothpaste on it the other day, and forgot that each time I wore it (over a new shirt).

Knitting is going on, but not interesting knitting. Christmas is coming, and I don't have much knitting to do for Christmas because my family didn't get tickets early enough, and only 2 of my brothers are coming out this year. But my oldest brother and his wife want to come out in May, Mom and the 2 youngest brothers are coming out during spring break.

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